Custom Recipe Book

This custom recipe book was made for a chef named Seth, as a gift from his sister and her husband.
Aside from having a spot for ingredients and lines for directions, her only stipulation was that it look manly and measure around 8.5" x5.5".  I used a mossy green bookcloth, rich brown endsheets and cinnamon colored endbands. I sought Josh's help for the "manly" type treatment! The recipe pages are printed on a thick smooth paper, and the title was printed on a cream Fabriano Tiziano.

Paper Swap!

On Tuesday, Jen of A Red Pumpkin Studio posted about her love for paper. She posed a question to the bookbinding team curious if anyone would be interested in a paper swap. I sure piped up! And here it is the end of the week and it's already in the works! Thanks for organizing it, Jen :) Above are my 9"x12" papers that I'll be sending for swappage! I've included some favorites & am crossing my fingers for good swap karma.

Postcard Box

Here's another project that hatched in the bindery during the holidays. The box was a gift from a wife to her husband for a collection of postcards that will continue to grow throughout their marriage. This cute couple picks up postcards when they visit new places and jots down the details of their days on the backs, so they can have simple & meaningful keepsakes from their adventures.

This sweet wife is a designer, and she'll be making a label for the front of the box. I'm guessing the label will look something like a postcard, and have a vintage-traveled feel. Maybe I can post a picture of that in the future (hint, hint)!

Boombox Bindery Interview on Bookbinding Team Blog

This morning, Hilke, one of my bookbinding friends across the world has posted an interview with me on the Bookbinding Team blog! It was such an honor to be asked, and I had a really nice time corresponding with her this week. She's such a neat person, I felt like I should be interviewing her! Here are a few things I know about her:

Hilke also goes by buechertiger, which translates to book tiger. She lives in Germany and has an awesome blog called Verzwirnt Und Zugeleimt: Into the Realm of Book Arts by Trial and Error. I love her blog because she does such a good job of sharing her recent work, and she manages to give a snapshot into her daily life, which is so fun! Also, her recent paste paper tutorial is excellent and very thorough, so if you've been wanting to give paste paper a try - check it out! The photo to the left is one of her papers. She has a wonderful gallery of work, and she also has an Etsy shop full of lovely books.

Many thanks, Hilke!

Happy New Year! & Santa's Bookshop Part One

Happy New Year One & All!
It was a busy December in Santa's Bookshop (as Boombox Bindery came to be known during the holidays!), so I have lots of things to share! The wrapping above was for the books below, that were ordered by a friend for some of her special coworkers.

Each book is a long stitch with a wrapper cover. The pages are perforated for easy note taking, and each cover was made to match the personality or interests of the recipient. The top left cover is a Snow & Graham paper enhanced with some decorative stitching. Centers of several cranes on the Japanese paper on the top right were cut out to reveal kanji underneath. I had enough material left to recreate the polka dot/flower combo that was originally used for one of my handmade giveaway books. And finally, on the bottom right, some gorgeous Claire Maziarczyk paste papers. Lori of Elvie, does that hand look familiar? My friend and I were inspired by your heart in hand!